
Skylight Mental Health


Skylight Mental Health is a South Australian not-for-profit organisation delivering services and support for those in need as well as those family and friend networks that care for them. Over 250,000 South Australians provide care to a loved one. Carers provide the glue that keep families and friends supported. But who supports the carers?


This question was the key driver for WOW and the campaign rollout. Whilst the caring scenarios are different, the common denominator for our client’s audience is CARE. In this case, the audience is the carer and we chose to focus on conversations; conversations that carers might have that defines their role. Conversations that might motivate them to reach out for some support for themselves.


Given the many pathways that Skylight clients take to get to them, the conversational core of the campaign helped to resonate with a broad audience and by using a simple but effective headline ‘You care. We Support’ we were able to connect carers with a support system.


Watch ‘We See Mental Health Differently’ animation here




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